We are excited to announce the launch of our newly designed and renovated websites for Modern Surgical Instruments and Surgical Site Infection Prevention. Over the last few months, we have worked hard to put together new sites with a more user-friendly environment and access to important information and updates.
We have loaded the webpages with an abundance of new features. Feel free to look around at the new product descriptions & images, request pricing directly from the webpage or catch up on some of the latest news in healthcare.
We are extremely excited to launch our new Products Specials page! Each month make sure to check in on the Products Specials page offered through the MSI website to see which product is being offered at an exclusive limited time price.
These websites will provide our valued customers with a positive experience when visiting our websites and keeping them coming back for more.
We would love to hear back from you with any questions, comments, or feedback you have! Thank you & enjoy!
Moderns Surgical Instruments, LLC & Surgical Site Infection Prevention